Amazon Books “That Reading Feeling Awaits” Commercial, PrettyBird
Dir: Tom Noakes/Isabel Garrett
Build of wave automotas and on-set maintance
"The Bambers: Murder At The Farm" Tv Series, Mindhouse
Dir: Lottie Gammon
Set Build at 3 different scales and on-set maintainence
EELS "Earth To Dora" Music Video, PrettyBird
Dir Isabel Garrett
Set building/Poly Carving
Arch Model Studios: B&Q “We Will Grow Again”
Construction, painting and texturing.
Frances “Everything In Between” Dir: Rachel Olga Llyod
Wave automota, moving sets and infinity curve for music video series
BlinkInk "Adidas Fw19 Manifesto" Dir. Nicos Livesey
Adapting and executing design for “Ice tunnel” segment. Additional Prop making, painting, set building and on-set assistance.
BlinkInk: AirWick-One Square foot. Dir: Catherine Prowse
Prop Making, Set building and set painting.
National Film and Television School: “The Shining ⅙ scale corridor”
Research, design, head set builder, prop making and painting.
National Film and Televison School: Psycho “Bates Motel”
1/33 model: Construction, Landscape building, AutoCAD design and laser cutting for roof tiles.
"Fabulous Fairy Tails"
AutoCAD designed and laser cut stairs.
Khartoum: "You Can Be What you want" Dir. Gilbert Bannerman
Set building, prop making and on set assistance.
National Film and Television School: “Solar Plexus” Dir. David McShane
Set build, CAD-designed cut elements, set painting.
National Film and Television School: "A Bird With No Legs" Dir. Nick Cinelli
Set Building.
Arch Model Studios: "Beagle Street".
Set building, model making, construction, painting, set dressing and on-set art department.